Asset Inventory Kickstarter Workshop

Your company’s value story depends on an asset inventory. Do you have one?

Working with business leaders, Prophet has developed a new leadership tool: The Story of Value. At the highest level, it brings the assets of business – both hard and intangible – into a sharp, distinctive and inspiring narrative.

A first step to a Story of Value is assembling a company’s assets, capabilities and differentiators and investigating how they get applied in your business to create unique value in the market.

Workshop Outcomes:

  • A collaborative session to create an inventory of assets, capabilities and mindsets 
  • Uncovering how each creates unique value in your market context (to shareholders, customers, etc.)
  • Prioritization of those assets that are most influential in increasing your company’s value
  • A clear set of next steps to collaborate with other leaders

Ready to build your Story of Value?

Schedule a complimentary virtual session and let’s discuss how our Asset Inventory Kickstarter can build the foundation to your company’s renewed story of value.
Interested in a workshop and want to learn more?

What Clients Say:

“Prophet quickly understood our complex business and collaborated with our leaders to dig deeper into the proof points of our organization and the ‘so-what’ of the capabilities we’ve invested in.”
– SVP Healthcare IT Provider

Our Growth Experts:

Josh Feldmeth
Chief Strategy Officer
Gordon Smith
Senior Partner, NA
Jessica Holdcroft
Partner, EMEA
Artur Arutiunian
Partner, EMEA